PetPal is your furry and dependable assistant who reminds you of deadlines and consolidates crucial information like pet names, tags dietary needs all in an aesthetically pleasing GUI! You can now focus on spend quality time with your furry friends without having to worry about things accidentally slipping your mind.
PetPal is optimized for a Pet DayCare owner to use via the GUI (Graphical user interface) while still having the benefits of a Command Line Interface (CLI). PetPal can help get your pet management tasks done without being tech-savvy and good at typing in the CLI.
This user guide will help you get started and understand how PetPal can seamlessly streamline your pet caring duties.
- If you are interested in using PetPal, head over to the Quick Start section of the User Guide.
If you are interested about developing PetPal, the Developer Guide is a good place to start.
- Libraries used: JavaFX, Jackson, JUnit5
- This project is based on the AddressBook-Level3 project created by the SE-EDU initiative
- The logo used makes use of the [Dog icons created by Flat Icons - Flaticon] (