Weng Kit's Project Portfolio Page
Project: PetPal
PetPal is your furry and dependable assistant who reminds you of deadlines and consolidates crucial information like pet names, tags dietary needs all in an aesthetically pleasing GUI! The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.
Given below are my contributions to the project.
Cost Feature: Added an cost indication feature
- Justification: Owners have a lot of customers, this simple feature helps owners know how much money is due to them by each customer.
- Highlights: Cost indication is updated on click, and on runtime based on a rate, and flat charge my teammate implemented
- PRs : #43
- Undo Feature: Added undo feature
- Justification: Adding and deleting pets off list take a lot of time, an undo feature lets users undo commands they may have done on accident, such that they do not lose progress.
- Highlights: Undo works with archive command as well.
- PRs : #48
Code contributed: RepoSense link
- Project management:
- Issues added by me
- Enhancements to existing features:
- Changed previous commands from AB3 to suit PetPal’s needs as well as added functionality to include adding and editing timestamps.
- Documentation:
- User Guide:
- Added documentation for the features of cost indication and
- Added documentation for the features of cost indication and
- Developer Guide:
- Changed UML diagrams of the following diagrams :
- ArchitectureSequenceDiagram
- UiClassDiagram
- LogicClassDiagram
- Added UML diagrams :
- UndoSequenceDiagram
- UndoActivityDiagram
- Changed UML diagrams of the following diagrams :
- User Guide: